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About Us

Hamro Run Club
Our Mission

We are a group of volunteers who enjoy running and want to inspire people. It is a free-run club focusing on our mission to build a Nepalese running community and promote health and fitness through running. Community is everything to us as well as building connections with each other to become a running family. We are currently based in Folkestone and Ashford.

As a running family, we take on challenges together and fundraise for good causes. We are not all just about running, we organise social events and other activities such as Hike, rowing, etc.

Meet the team
Folkestone HRC
Ranit Tamang
Run Captain

"In April 2021, I went through some health issues that changed my perspective on life. It made me realise how fragile our life and how uncertain our future is. Now I appreciate every little thing that is around and within us.

Even though I was a regular gym goer, I realised was lacking a lot of healthy habits. This is when I started to adopt a healthy lifestyle and my running journey jumped in. I was at the lowest point of my life when I was struggling with my health issues but then running became my therapy. It made me forget the problems that I was dealing with both physically and mentally. It makes me happy.

I then signed up for my first-ever half marathon for Nov 2021 in Reading and started training for it. I managed to cross the finish line and since then I have done a few more official half marathons, a marathon and an ultra marathon. Being part of a Hamro Run Club team has also helped me to continue my running journey and has given me a platform to meet like-minded individuals. It inspires me when each of the runners shares his/her stories and also makes me proud of how far they have come with their running journey."

Rabina Shrestha
Run Captain

"I have always tried to stay active through various forms of exercise whether that is by running, walking, cycling etc. I’ve always seen it as a way for me to clear my head. I have always been sort of a lone wolf but since being involved with Hamro Run Club, I have discovered that running has so many benefits than being just a form of exercise. 

I love being part of the club, cheering each other on. I really believe that we can achieve so much more, together.  Everyone continues to inspire me, in my own journey."

Richa Rai
Run Captain

"My reason for running? There’s no better feeling than that runner’s high. Running helps me refocus and reset after a stressful day, which is why I enjoy it.


With HRC there’s that added bonus of sharing this journey with others who share the same passion for keeping fit mentally and physically. Running with a community element gives a greater purpose and I am grateful to be a part of it.


It’s great to see the running community support each other and grow together."

Iswar Tamang
Run Captain


Paras Gurung
Run Captain

“A few years ago, I had a recurring MCL injury while playing football. During the recovery phase, I started running regularly to keep myself fit. I never thought I would enjoy running especially long distances but here I am with the Manchester Marathon and Ultra North 55k finisher medal.

I am very glad to be part of the Hamro Run Club and to spread the running culture in our Nepalese community in the UK. I have learned a lot and created great memories with my running fellows met through HRC.

What I love about HRC is that it is not just about running, it also brings people together and encourages a healthy lifestyle"

Binay Thapa
Run Captain

""I have always been into working out but was never a big fan of cardio until covid lockdown. The main reason I started running was to keep fit while gyms were closed as it was one of the only options. However after having ran regularly, it made me realise how great it made me feel not only physically but mentally too. After finding out about Hamrorunclub through mutual friends, it was so refreshing to meet others who shared similar interests and goals. Its been amazing to see the growth of our club and the running community in general.""

Ashford HRC
Deepbim Rai
Run Captain

"I started running with a goal similar to everyone which is to get fitter.

I had never ran "properly" until 2 - 3 years ago. 2-3 years ago I challenged myself to get faster and started researching more into training and started to do smarter training. Which is when I started seeing results.

However, one thing that kept me motivated throughout my running journey and still does is the community aspect of running.

I found HRC at the perfect time and met lots of lovely people through it and I still am to this day. Seeing newer runners going through the stages I went through motivates me a lot!

Having done half marathon and a marathon in 2022 and 2023, my goal is to focus on shorter races like 5k and 10k for the upcoming years.

I hope to keep seeing newer people join HRC and see the community grow."

Precchhya Rai
Run Captain

"I began running at the age of 16 and quickly discovered my passion for it. However, as life's responsibilities piled up with age, running took a backseat, and eventually, I stopped. This changed at the beginning of this year when I joined HRC Ashford. Rekindling my love for running after so many years was initially challenging but thanks to the incredible group I found my fondness for running once again. Being a part of HRC not only enhanced my endurance but also exceeded my own expectations. I completed my first half marathon alongside many first-time runners from all over England and what many of us shared aside the pain of running in the sweltering heat was the motivation that came from being a part of a social running group. This was the moment I realised the importance of a community and the difference it can make, witnessing the growth of the Nepali running communities all over is truly inspiring, and I hope our journey continues to ignite the love for running in others as it did for me."

Shamir Gurung
Run Captain


Woolwich HRC
WhatsApp Image 2023-10-26 at 23.06_edite
Tirtha Raj
Run Captain

"The reason I love running, especially long runs is because it gives me a perspective on life as a whole. You live a whole life through the course of a long run. There is a definite start and a finish line just like life does. It is good to be aware of the finish line at the back of your head, but it becomes impossible to enjoy the run if you are just thinking about the finish line. You will have people who are ahead of you and some behind you. You cannot compete against the people ahead of you no matter how hard you try, the competition is you against your limitations. If you are lucky, you will have a few people running beside you, which makes the run feel slightly easier. There will be uphills and downhills where you have to control your emotions to remain consistent, otherwise, there is a risk of exhaustion. However, if you find strength in yourself to smile through the uphill, that is a good run and a good life."

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-26 at 15.22_edite
Run Captain

"If I am honest, I do not have a strong reason to run apart from the fact that I have always been a sports fanatic. And since I cannot actively join sports sessions, I now focus my time on running- keeping myself fit and just challenging myself. I am also very social, so I like meeting new people and having a chat about just anything- politics, sports, life, you name it, and the conversation will carry on aha. I strongly believe that “a day without laughter is a day wasted” so, LIVE, LOVE, and LAUGH. 

So HRC is a place where I can do the things I enjoy in life. This running community will allow me to keep fit while I meet new people and hopefully have a great laugh."


Bikash Thapa
Run Captain


Founder of HRC
Azay Singh Thakuri
Run Captain


Sagin Rai

"With a Sports Science background, I have always run to keep myself fit and healthy but it wasn't until 2016 when I started to run long distances and found myself running in an event in 2019. Ever since then, it has been a huge part of me.


I was always asked why I enjoy running, and my only answer then was - the accomplishment feeling after a run but now my answer has changed. It’s because there is a running community whom I can run, cry, smile, and cheer with."

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